Tuesday, January 8, 2013

$1 Dove/Olay Body Wash DIY !!!

                                                      ( Picture and Idea from Hidden Treasures )

When I saw this I was like AWESOME!! Awesome for me, awesome for my readers! Why??

When the $1/1 Olay Bar coupon came out last year and dollar tree started accepting coupons people started racking up on them. Why? They were getting them for FREE... OOOK...NOW WHAT?

Well, I am not much of a BAR SOAP type of gal, I like my body wash. My favorite is all of the Dove Body wash. So, since I had many many bar soaps, I found this pin (from Pinterest) and lightbulb came on!!!

Here's how to make your OWN body wash from your stockpile, if you don't like using bar soap.

Heat 2 cups of water in a pot, grate bar soap with cheese grater. When water begins to boil add in grated soap, stir and stir and stir and stir.

Until it is allllll melted. It will thicken when it cools. While it is still hot, if you would like it not so thick, you can always add more water...


What ya think?

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