Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Wreath for $12 bucks! [DIY PROJECT!]

[This idea came from Pearls, Handcuffs, and happy hour ]
Alright, I'm not much of a DIY type of girl, I mean.. I love them, but they don't always turn out as the other persons, that's another story! I loves to bake...
This project seemed pretty easy so I decided to try it out :) And I'm glad I did, I think my wreath turned out pretty good, if I should say so myself.
Ok, So if YOU want to try this out here's a step by step:
Things You'll Need:
*Hot Glue Gun
*Wire Clothes Hanger
*Ornaments from Dollar Tree (About 12 tubes of different shapes)

I started out with a wire clothes hanger, stretched it out into a circle (or close to a circle)
I think I did a pretty good job at trying, at least.

Now, I bought these ornaments at Dollar Tree. I bought 14 tubes in different sizes. I didn't, however, use them all. I really used 12 out of 14 tubes. This is the only thing you'll have to pay for. [unless you have some to spare and you can use those]

I started off by taking off the tops of the ornaments. Makes it soooo much more easier and soo much less time consuming.  So just take off the tops and separate them.

I then preceded to glue the top of the ornament (the hole part) and placed the tops back onto the ornaments and set them aside while I glued the other ornaments.
If you don't do this step, you'll have balls all over the place. And no one wants loose balls, now do we? ;)

After letting the glued ornaments have been put back together, start sliding them onto the clothes hanger, alternating between sizes and colors. Use the small sizes to fill in the gaps between the big ornaments.

I added a ribbon to it to make it an easy hang. This is the final product:

This is what my final product looked like., I think I did a pretty swell job.

And this is it on my door :)
I'm so proud of my wreath.

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