Sunday, April 8, 2012

Just a small part of my stockpile :)

I have very limited space when it comes to my stock pile, so I try to put
anything anywhere it's hidden.
This is my juice and SOME of my Powerade pile.

As you can see, I have Ocean spray on top AND bottom, and Powerade in the middle.
If you guys remember I paid around .70 per Welch's juice.
The powerade, I paid $5 for 30 of them
and the Ocean Sprays ( I bought recently) I paid..NOTHING
those were absolutely FREE @ Winn-Dixie.

So, it IS possible to save money and have a GREAT stockpile even for food!

((BTW, I don't have any kids. The Ocean Spray, I buy for my hubby and the Welch's I bought
for when my nieces needed juice and didn't have any. ))

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